Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
While at the moment our system only allows one booking at a time (we are working on it, though!), please be patient and make another booking for the same trip/date/time, or send us an email detailing which tour you want to book, where, and for how many persons - we will do the booking for you, and confirm through an email.
10% deposit is required at the time of booking.
Yes, you can pay cash directly to your tour guide. We accept Falklands' Pounds, British Pounds, and US Dollars (according to the exchange rate of the day).
We are also accepting card payments.
Falkland Islands could be a very windy place and every once in a while a cruise vessel might cancel it`s arrival due to a weather forecast.
Once we receive confirmation from Falkland Islands Tourism Board we are processing refund straightaway, reduced by card operators fee (1.75-2.5%).
If you arrive by a ship, you will most likely be taken by a tender to a Public Jetty. Our tour guide will be waiting for you by the Jetty Centre, with our Lazy Wind logo clearly displayed.
If you are staying in town - please contact us, and we will arrange your pick up.
If you arrive between November and March, you will experience the summer in the Falklands - temperature-wise, it is likely to be similar to European spring. Saying that, the weather can be pretty unpredictable, and can change quickly. Be sure to wear layers of clothing to protect you from the cold, rain, and wind (including the lazy wind). Do not forget a strong sunscreen, as our sun can be deceptively bright!